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Showing posts from April, 2017

Hello, world!

"Hello, world!" This is my first blog post on my first blog! yay! Hey Sarah - what is the story behind the title, "n=1"? Well, first a little bit about me and then the reasoning behind the title should become apparent (hopefully!): I am a 32 year old lady residing in SW-PA and I am a PhD educated scientist. My dissertation work was on the molecular evolution of seminal proteins. During my doctoral studies it became apparent that I was interested in bringing together multiple 'omic fields (genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, etc.) to have a more complete understanding of how a particular phenotype manifests. I am currently now in a postdoctoral research position that allows me to explore different 'omic fields in a medical genomics project (I am doing research on how the microbiome, epigenome, and genome are related to - and how they interact to influence - childhood obesity). With my scientific background I tend to approach most things in my life wi